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       As for the future of the breed, I have two different theories. The first theory I have about the T-Rexes future is called the �Whittenburg Global Warming theory� which states:

    The T-Rex is regular feline in genetic makeup with just the addition of the new type of fur. With the awesome ability of the T-Rex fur to reflect and alter the sunlight instead of absorbing it, this mutation maybe natures way for preparing the cat species to survive much more intense sunlight (Revelation 16:8,9) and a hotter climate. The T-Rex could be kind of a little kitty "Noah's Ark" for the feline genes. Forget the amphibians as a marker for environmental change, what about the cat?!

     I also have another theory that may be a solution for the global warming problem that I call the �Whittenburg Ice Age theory� which states:

     If everyone had T-Rexes as pets then these cats would all be doing their small part by using their radical satin coat to reflect the harmful rays of the sun back out into space and thus slow global warming. Some scientists claim that this global warming was caused by too many cattle. Why couldn�t a large population of T-Rexes with their reflective coats reverse this phenomenon? This would have to be closely monitored though, because wasn�t it an Ice Age that wiped out the first T-Rexes?




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Last modified: 02/06/11